Strategic Presentation of IMéRA since 2016
IMéRA (2016-2021)
Summary Note
Roughly three years after joining Aix-Marseille Université as a university-based institute for advanced study (UBIAS), IMéRA has gone through a deep restructuring in 2016, leading to a totally new research programming and strategy from September 2017. The new design has aimed at four main objectives:
- Give IMéRA a distinctive scientific identity for the institute to play an essential role within the university and outside
- Reach the IAS highest standards in terms of interdisciplinary community building
- Raise IMéRA local, national and international visibility, notably by building up a num- ber of partnerships with key players at all levels
- Assure financial and functional viability of the institute as the largest part of direct public funding of the French institutes for advanced study was exhausted by December 2019
In the following, we will give a brief account of the instruments deployed to meet these ob- jectives.
1. Identity
- 1. IMéRA’s scientific programs and chairs
After the 2016 restructuring, IMéRA’s research activity is now organized in four non-disjoint programs. Each program is run by a program director, the board of directors being headed by the director of the institute. Since 2018, applicants to IMéRA’s calls are requested to apply to a single program, the program directors being in turn required to share information on candidates with program-transverse interests. The new organization pursues two main ob- jectives: as outlined above, the first one is to give an identity to the institute. The programs are broad enough to not decrease the number of applications (a posteriori verified), and it is fair to hope for the reverse effect when the reputation of the institute is consolidated enough
in the targeted fields. Second, the program structure allows to decentralize residents super- vision (coordination being ensured by periodic meetings of the board of directors), which can only favor the success of the residences and their impact on the local scientific commu- nity. Here comes the list of IMéRA’s programs:
- The Mediterranean program. Created in 2017, this program has three main components (not exclusive): critical thought in Islam or the sake for a Mediterranean Islam; Way of life in the Mediterranean and finally, prospective studies in the Mediterranean.
- Crossing paths – Exploring Interdisciplinarity. Initially, this program was essentially open to all questions related to the philosophy of science and epistemological studies, in particular in relation with the concepts of interdisciplinarity and transdiscipli- narity. It is now much more focused on neurosciences, cognitive sciences, and learning and artificial intelligence to take advantage of some of the major strengths of our uni- versity environment.
- Art, Science and Society. This is one of the oldest programs of IMéRA, and probably the most efficient so far in experiencing interdisciplinary, it is the par excellence program for experimentation. Artist residences at IMéRA are not retreats and are typically con- crete experiences of cross-fertilizations between artistic and scientific approaches.
- Global Phenomena and Regulation. This is the “youngest” program of the institute, it is devoted to all the aspects of globalization (including migrations, sustainable develop- ment, energy transitions and cultural dynamics), and it is a major tool to build joint partnerships with important national and international institutions.
Each program is organized around a few chairs, typically created thanks to partnerships with external institutions. For example, the Averroes chair devoted to critical thought in Islam is instrumental in the research activity in the Mediterranean program. The chair holder is enti- tled to give a series of lectures (also called research cycles) and, together with the program
director, he/she is requested to animate activities in the area covered by the chair in connec- tion with the other residents of the program involved in the Islam’s critical thought area. About 12 chairs (or residence supports) have been created at IMéRA in the recent years, the complete list is given below within the section on partnerships. These chairs have a triple role. One is, of course, cofunding, and roughly speaking, this is the main reason behind the creation of the chairs in anticipation of resources drying up after 2019: chairs are financed or cofinanced on the basis of a 3-year term with a renewal mechanism. A large majority of these chairs are run with partners outside the university, which is important for the inde- pendence of the institute. Second, as the chairs are joint partnerships with important (aca- demic) institutions, they do increase the scientific and institutional visibility of IMéRA. Last but not least, chair holders are typically senior researchers with large international visibility and expertise, which bodes for potential large positive externalities on research quality in the institute and the university.
- 2. IMéRA as an UBIAS
Since 2013, IMéRA is an UBIAS, and as such, it plays a central role in bringing the best inter- national research to its university environment, which is in our view the most efficient way to assure its long-term functional viability. This works along four channels:
- First of all, IMéRA’s residents (individuals and teams) are connected with the appro- priate Aix-Marseille University (AMU) labs and institutions, and with the different cul- tural and scientific institutions of interest active in the area as well. The program di- rectors are requested to establish or at least to suggest the links, but it goes without saying that the networking job has to be done primarily by the residents. This is one of the most efficient ways for the residences to have a long-lasting effect on the local scientific and artistic community.
- Second, for all the residents wishing to give short doctoral (interdisciplinary) lec- tures, IMéRA has been organizing such events for a while together with the doctoral college of AMU. From 2019/2020, the institute has opened an IMéRA Doctoral Pro- gram, in collaboration with a few AMU doctoral schools, to gain flexibility and in- crease attendance.
- Third, IMéRA is encouraging its residents to engage in international (mainly Euro- pean) grant applications individually or with AMU researchers. In the past year, two American residents at IMéRA have been put in touch with the ERC grants administra- tive unit of the university to help set up ERC applications.
- Fourth, IMéRA is “investing” in the UBIAS network since the Sao Paulo meeting, March 2018. It will host the next UBIAS meeting in April 2021, and is engaged in co-organiz- ing the fourth ICA (intercontinental academy) on “Intelligence and Artificial Intelli- gence”. This is for us the right network to bring our university in close contact with some of the major universities and major researchers in the world.
2. Community Building Instruments
- Four different forms of residency
To maximize the benefits from IMéRA residences for the scientific and artistic community of the region, the institute has been recently innovating in the residence forms. Since 2019- 2020, four forms of residencies have been co-existing:
- Resident Fellows: This is the ordinary residence, it is individual and can last 5 or 10 months, it includes residences with chair supports.
- Senior Fellows: This position is open to former residents since 2018-2019, typically those who have been able to build up local networks during their residence time. Sen- ior fellows are selected upon submission of an innovative interdisciplinary three-year long research project, with the additional compulsory requirement of proposing an explicit support team composed of researchers of the region (from AMU and outside AMU). Senior fellows are appointed for three years; presence is required 5 months per year (allowances paid for this period).
- Associate Fellows: Associate fellows are also drawn from the population of former fellows, and invited to the institute for short periods (a few weeks typically) for dif- ferent motives. Usually, associate fellows are engaged in the interdisciplinary teams selected on the basis of an interdisciplinary project submitted. IMéRA hosts from 2 to
4 teams of this type every year. The team is headed by an AMU researcher and in- cludes up to 5 researchers, with 2 or 3 based out of France, including one or two for- mer residents. Again, in this precise case as in the case of senior fellows, this form of residence rewards active networking during ordinary residence. In our view, it is an- other key tool to assure successful community building. Associate fellows may also be chosen among former residents who can be particularly useful for the institute in launching an important initiative, like a new (innovative) research cycle in which they hold a particularly prominent expertise. Last but not least and in order to optimize synergies between IMéRA and AMU’s labs, the associate fellowship status has been opened since September 2019 onwards to AMU researchers with similar involvement in IMéRA research cycles and other scientific activities. AMU researchers implication in the scientific animation of IMéRA was initially entrusted to a specific committee (CAS: Scientific Animation Committee) which has lost relevance with the emergence of program directors. AMU associate fellowship would reward local researchers with long-term commitment to IMéRA scientific life (for example former CAS members still active at the institute) or those with a specific expertise to run a research cycle or other recurrent research activity.
- AMU fellow: To push even further the logic above, we plan to launch a new form of residence in 2021-2022. AMU fellows are recruited among AMU professors (in par- ticular the youngest) upon submission of an interdisciplinary project for a residence duration of 5 or 10 months just like the ordinary fellows. We plan to select about 3 to 4 AMU fellows per year. They are selected at the same time as the “international” fel- lows, the idea being to identify a priori some interesting interdisciplinary associations between the internal and the external fellows. The cost of an AMU fellow is the cost of her teaching load (about 11000 euros per year).
- Community Building Seminar (CBS) and research cycles
From September 2016, the Community Building Seminar of IMéRA has been the main inter- action place in IMéRA. The seminar takes place every Thursday in the morning with an aver- age duration of 2 hours and half, followed by a lunch. Many CBS take a non-academic form,
especially those driven by artists; they can be on any topic, general questioning or methodo- logical point (like counterfactuals for example). Non-residents can be invited to the CBS, in particular to bring an interdisciplinary or disciplinary approach distinct from the main speaker’s. The CBS is also the right place to evaluate the abilities of the residents to lead a team or a new research cycle (and therefore to come back as an associate or senior fellow), or to be potentially interested in a longer relationship with IMéRA/AMU via ERC applica- tions. About 30 CBS are taking place every year.
In addition to the CBS, the residents may be involved in the organization of research cycles. They may also organize workshops/conference, individually or in cooperation with other residents or AMU researchers. Typically, chair holders are tightly associated with the organ- ization of the research cycles. For example, Yadh Ben Achour (former Dean of the law fac- ulty at Tunis) has delivered a series of lectures within the Averroes chair he hold in 2018/2019. Andy Dobson (Princeton) and Mercedes Pascual (Chicago) have been co-organ- izing, together with the corresponding program director, a research cycle on Sustainable De- velopment within the chair on the same topic, financed by the Institut de Recherche en Devel- oppement (IRD). And so on.
3. Visibility: key partnerships
As mentioned repeatedly above, IMéRA has been quite active in chair creation in the last 4/5 years. We have already explained the rationales behind. We now list them in order to show the wide variety of partnerships, from academic to non-academic, from AMU to non-AMU, and from national to international. Among the 14 partnerships listed below, 10 are chairs and 4 are residences: the former bear on specified topics and fields, the latter no.
- The IMéRA/IRD chair on Sustainable Development. This is the first chair created: the corresponding convention was signed in July 2016. The partner is IRD, a French na- tional institution with headquarters in Marseille.
- The IMéRA/Fulbright chair on Migration Studies. Here, the partner is an international academic institution, the French-American Fulbright Commission. The agreement
signed has two distinct components: a chair on migration studies is co-financed from 2018, and IMéRA also commits to enter the new Fulbright Specialist program aiming at stimulating the trilateral exchanges between Africa, France and the US.
- The IMéRA/EHESS chair on Transregional Studies. The partner is one of the most pres- tigious French academic institutions, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales (EHESS).
- The IMéRA/AUF chair on Structural Transformations and Institutional Dynamics in Francophone countries. Here the partner is a key international academic player in the French-speaking area, Agence Universitaire Francophone. The chair is open to all researchers in the world outside France, including those from academic institutions, which are not members of the AUF. The AUF is only financing two other chairs, one with the Collège de France and the other with The Belgian Royal Academy of Science. Mobility of the three chair holders between the three places is assured by convention.
- The Averroes chair: This chair is co-financed by A*MIDEX (AMU foundation) and another foundation, Fondation Islam de France, which is national.
- The Albert Hirschman chair: This chair is financed by A*MIDEX (AMU foundation).
- The IMéRA/IPC chair on Cancer Studies. The partner is the Institut Paoli-Calmette, located in Marseille; it is one of the main French hospitals and research centers on cancer. IPC has always been interested in the socioeconomic and technological aspects relating to cancer research, and has de facto deep intersections with AMU.
- The Germain Tillion chair, “La Méditerranée, demain”. This chair is financed by the regional goverment, Région Sud. It is devoted to prospective studies on the Mediter- ranean with emphasis on the sustainable development issues.
- The IMéRA/ILCB chair on Language and Brain. This chair is financed by the Institute for Language, Communication and Brain (ILCB), a so-called convergence institute (insti- tut de convergence), an AMU institute of excellence built up with public funding after a national contest. As mentioned above, the emergence of such unique entities within the university was one of the main reasons for which IMéRA has been switching grad-
ually from epistemology to cognitive and neurosciences in the Crossing Paths pro- gram.
- The Camus chair on Mediterranean Lifestyles. This is the first residence for writers cre- ated at IMéRA. It’s a 5-month residence financed by A*MIDEX, the university founda- tion, and as it transpires from its name, it is part of the Mediterranean program.
- The IMéRA/Mucem residence. This residence is co-financed by Mucem, the Musée des Civilisations de l’Europe et de la Méditerranée. It is devoted to host residents mainly specialized in cultural and museum studies.
- The IMéRA/AMSE residence: AMSE, Aix-Marseille School of Economics, is one of the 29 so-called Ecoles Universitaires de Recherche, recently selected in a national con- test. AMSE has committed to finance the IMéRA/ AMSE residence for a period of 10 years (from 2018-2019).
- The IMéRA/Inserm residence. This residence is co-financed by Inserm (Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale), the main national institute in the field. Inci- dentally, this is the main residence in which interdisciplinary research within hard sciences is experimented.
- The IMéRA/University of Edinburgh residence. It is devoted to the creation of a Muslim Solidarities in the Mediterranean Initiative with the aim of creating a scientific com- munity of excellence
A conclusion: Financial and functional viability
The deployment of the development instruments described above is obviously aimed at en- suring the medium and long-term viability of IMéRA. In terms of funding, at least the recruit- ment of international residents at the highest level worldwide, our institute can rely on the dynamics of chair creation as described above. With the current stock of joint chairs/resi- dences, the institute can consolidate its development without relying too much on the uni-
versity foundation, A*MIDEX. More initiatives are under way to identify other potentially suc- cessful partnerships, notably in energy studies, art/science and neuroscience. Obviously, the renewal of the LABEX RFIEA+ gives even more flexibility to IMéRA, in particular to finance projects whose topics do not fall in the list of chairs/residences given above.
In terms of functional viability as a UBIAS, IMéRA has already done a lot and is planning to do even more with notably the design of AMU fellowships and the kick-off of the IMéRA doctoral Program in 2019/20. Also the privileged position of IMéRA within the international network UBIAS is an important guarantee to keep on raising the standards in the institute and in the university as a whole.
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Administrateur (21 mai 2016). Strategic Presentation of IMéRA since 2016. Cahier des fellows de l'IMéRA. Consulté le 13 octobre 2024 à l’adresse